Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Falling into fall: the act of transitioning
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
As the vibrant hues of summer begin to mellow into warm, earthy tones, we find ourselves on the cusp of a profound transition – the shift from late summer to fall. In traditional Chinese theory, this transition is not just a change in weather; it's a journey of the mind, body, and spirit. As we prepare for this seasonal transition, let's dive into the wisdom of Chinese medicine to understand how the transition to fall is intricately woven into the core of our well-being.
Transitioning into fall also calls for an adjustment in our diets. Just as we swap out our summer wardrobe for warmer layers, our bodies require nourishment that aligns with the season. Warm, cooked vegetables take center stage, providing sustenance while aiding digestion and maintaining the balance of Qi. Foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash offer comfort and grounding, enhancing our connection with the earth.
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
How to keep the summer glow along the grey cold days ahead: a vitamin guide
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
We all look at these precious late summer days. Soaking up the sun and warm late nights at the lake for a swim. How to keep the warm summer colors within, when grey days approach? Some of us might remember the children’s book of Frederik the mouse. Frederik is busy collecting colors for the winter days and shares his colors with the commuity on a grey, cold winter day. We all should strive to be the ones collecting colors for the upcoming “endless” months.
Implement a routine: exercising, playing music, crafting, engage in a charity activity. Supporting others releases oxytocin, the happy hormone. Another oxytocin booster is meeting friends, hugging a loved one, and massages. It can become a routine like teeth brushing,
Link to where to buy the children’s book Frederik https://www.orellfuessli.ch/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1000549535
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
School finders: Wie finde ich die passende Schule für mein Kind?
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
In conversation mit Nicole Rieffel. Nicole hat Schoolfinders vor 7 Jahren zusammen mit Diane Bauer gegründet. Zusammen beraten wir Familien aus dem In- und Ausland, wenn es um Fragen und Anliegen rund um die Schule geht. Nicole gab spannende Einblicke in ihren Alltag mit Eltern und Kindern aus der ganzen Welt.
Get inspired by her und findet die passende Schule für euer Kind. Motivation leads to success.
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Travelling with a baby: yes you can?
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
It’s all about coordinating. It’s finding the right time of the day to travel best. For my female empowerment movement UNE SUR CENT, I’ve organised a weekend getaway at Suvretta House in St. Moritz. I’ve solo travelled with my 9months old. It worked very well.
Too often, we hear what’s not possible, rather than been given encouragement to dare to try. Just the other day, I received a mommy newsletter that’s been so discouraging and old fashioned. The letter suggested not to travel with a baby! We’ve traveled around the world with a quiet, sleeping baby. It’s about how your lifestyle is and what the baby is accustomed to. Anything is possible, if you’d put your mind into it.
It’s important to empower women and young mothers in particular to say yes you can. In stead of no you can’t! The more we strengthen self esteem in young women, the better for the future of female empowerment and role modelling. The more we dare to try, the better, as it shows the options and possibilities we have, to parent in our own individual way.
Young parents need all the support they can get. Positive reinforcement, rather than critical evaluation. Yes, we can! Together as supportive parents we can!
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Back to work and back to school stress: Mental load
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Briefly discussed in previous episodes, many of us, particularly women struggle with the mental load, they’re bearing on a daily basis.
What can be done to reduce the burden?
- Communication
- Share responsibility within the family
- Curb out me-time (especially important for working moms)
- 20min exercise rule a day
- Healthy eating to reduce stress
- Get into and establish a new routine to carry you through fall and winter
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Back to work and back to school stress
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
As for so many of us, August is a big transition month. The seasons are changing from summer into fall, days get shorter, and crispier. We return back to work, school, start at kindergarten or daycare, all after a long summer break or no break for others. How can we best balance these challenging times, especially women, who take on the majority of the mental load of family schedules, appointments, and often lack personal time. As a consequence their body and mind will eventually tell them to stop. That’s often when they visit or practice for physiotherapy, holistic metabolic balance treatment or mental performance consultation. The earlier we address our challenges the better and easier to shift gears and start a new routine.
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Matterhorn climbed by a female
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
In today’s episode Agi shares her passion for mountaineering as a female among all the men. She takes us on her journey to the top. In this episode, Agi explains how she prepared herself, to make it up to the peak of Matterhorn . How mountaineering, long-distance running, and yoga all share the moving meditation aspect in common.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Empowerment series & yoga by the lake part 1
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Today’s episode introduces a series inspired by Marie, power yoga teacher from California, currently in Switzerland. Her mission is to empower bus women to step off their at as stronger versions of themselves.
The episode features nutritionist Denise, who’s dedicated her work to the female cycle.
By having a deeper understanding of our cycle we can better manage our energy, heal our bodies from the inside out, prepare for pregnancy (or avoid pregnancy), and so much more. The woman's body is truly incredible and I can't believe I never learned about all of this before. So if you are saying the same things to yourself…you are not alone!
Interested in learning more about the different phases + the types of foods to eat to best fuel our bodies during each season + eat lots of these amazing foods? Listen to today’s episode and follow us.
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Growing up as a polyglot
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
In today’s global societies, it isn’t uncommon to grow up in a polyglot environments. More and more children have parents from different parts of the world, speaking different primary languages and only share one common language, such as English. These children grow up with a sense of normalcy for polyglotism.
Embrace your child in the beauty of languages and the multitude of cultures that follow.
Borrowed from French polyglotte, from Ancient Greek (polúglōttos, “many-tongued, polyglot”).
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Back to traditional climbing: Mount Kenya Part 2
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
In today’s episode Agi shares her 13hours to the top of Batian Peak, Mount Kenya. The journey she took and prepared for herself, as an inspiring independent woman. Be prepared to hold your breath while Agi shares her adventures to the peak and back!